These are a few of our services that our therapist provide. We provide therapeutic massage therapy with relaxational benefits in a safe and relaxing environment. We provide services to children, adults and seniors. Our services consist of a variety of massage techniques that relieve the pain and stress from day to day activity , work environment and the school stresses of exams and paper writing.
Located at 619 3rd Avenue North Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with free on street parking.
For contact information please refer to our therapists.
NOTE: This is how we make our living and filling our schedule is important to us. Therefore,
"no shows" and late cancellations will be charged a 50% fee.

Deep Tissue Massage
Using the Swedish massage technique which includes strokes such as kneading, stripping, wringing. lifting, and jostling either with elbows, palms, knuckles, fingertips or thumbs.

Reiki is a Japanese healing art which means "universal life energy". Rei means "Gods Wisdom or Higher Power" and Ki means "life force energy". The healing energy of Reiki can be sent by physical touch, off the body, or through distance, as the energy is sent through the intention the practitioner holds. Reiki also incorporates symbols within its sessions. Reiki treats the whole person; body, mind, and soul. During a session, the practitioner will move their attention to different areas of the body, from the head down to the feet, holding each placement until the they feel they need to move onto to the next. During a session, the client can feel a sense of great relaxation, waves of energy throughout and around them, various sensations, or a glowing radiance. The client does not need to be awake for the session and can choose to talk, relax, and sleep.

Direct Billing
We do direct billing with most insurance companies for Group Policy members.
(Select Therapists: Debbie and Twila)